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How to contribute?¶
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下面这些人贡献了内容、翻译等. 你在等什么? 快来加入我们,把自己放在下面;)
English Version¶
New to Laravel¶
- Laracasts: Laravel From Scratch
- Laracasts: Laravel 5 Fundamentals
- Laravel 5.1 Homestead 安装指南
- Laravel Homestead on Windows 8
- Laravel Homestead on Linux or Mac #5.4
- Laracasts: Say Hello to Laravel Homestead 2.0
- Setup Laravel excutable enviroment on AWS EC2 quickly
- 从教程中学习
- Laravel Documentation: Basic Task List #5.1
- Laravel Documentation: Intermediate Task List #5.1
- Laravel Documentation #5.4
Quick References¶
- Awesome Laravel
- Awesome PHP
- Laravel API #5.4
- Laravel Cheat Sheet
- bestmomo/laravel5-3-example - 如何使用 Laravel 5.3 构建 Web 应用程序的一个很好的示例.
Learn From Awesome Video / Posts¶
Composer / Homestead / Docker¶
- 入门
- Laracasts: Meet Composer #Composer
- Laracasts: Virtual Machines and Homestead #Homestead #Virtual Machine #Vagrant
- Composer Intro #Composer
- Laravel Documentation: Setup Homestead #5.4 #Homestead
- Laravel in Docker #5.4 #Docker
Routing / Controllers / Requests / Responses¶
- 入门
- Laracasts: A Gentle Introduction to Routing, Controllers, and Views #Routing #Controller #View
- Laravel Documentation: The Basics Routing #5.4 #Routing
- Laravel Documentation: The Basics Controllers #5.4 #Controller
- Laravel Documentation: The Basics Requests #5.4 #Request
- Laravel Documentation: The Basics Responses #5.4 #Response
- 先进
- Laracasts: Route Model Binding #Routing
- Simple Way To HTTPS All Laravel Routes #5.4 #Routing
- 入门
- Laracasts: Migrations #Migration
- Laravel Documentation: Database Getting Started #5.4 #Database
- Laravel Documentation: Database Migrations #5.4 #Migration
- 先进
- Laravel Documentation: Database Query Builder #5.4 #Database
- Laravel Documentation: Database Seeding #5.4 #Migration
Models / Eloquent¶
- 入门
- Laracasts: Eloquent 101 #Eloquent
- Laracasts: Basic Model/Controller/View Workflow #Model #Eloquent
- Laravel Documentation: Eloquent ORM Getting Started #5.4 #Eloquent
- 先进
- Laravel Documentation: Eloquent ORM Relationships #5.4 #Eloquent
- Laravel Documentation: Eloquent ORM Collections #5.4 #Eloquent
- Laravel Documentation: Eloquent ORM Mutators #5.4 #Eloquent
- Laravel Documentation: Eloquent ORM Serialization #5.4 #Eloquent
- Laracasts: Dates, Mutators, and Scopes #Eloquent #Carbon
- Laracasts: Eloquent Relationships #Eloquent
Views / Blade / Language¶
- 入门
- Laracasts: Passing Data to Views #View
- Laravel Documentation: The Basics Views #5.4 #View
- Laracasts: Blade 101 #View #Blade
- Laravel Documentation: The Basics Blade Templates #5.4 #View #Blade
- 先进
- Laracasts: View Partials and Form Reuse #View
- Php vars @ JS with the help of a Laravel SP & View Composer #5.4 #View #Language
Forms / Validation¶
- 入门
- Laracasts: Forms #Form #View
- Laracasts: Form Requests and Controller Validation #Form #Validation
- Laravel Documentation: Services Validation #5.4 #Validation
Architecture Foundations / IoC¶
- 入门
- Laracasts: Environments and Configuration #Architecture
- Laravel Documentation: Architecture Foundations Application Structure #5.4 #Architecture
- 先进
- Laravel Documentation: Architecture Foundations Request Lifecycle #5.4 #Architecture
- Laravel Documentation: Architecture Foundations Service Providers #5.4 #Architecture
- Laravel Documentation: Architecture Foundations Service Container #5.4 #Architecture
- Laravel Documentation: Architecture Foundations Contracts #5.4 #Architecture
- Laravel Documentation: Architecture Foundations Facades #5.4 #Architecture
- Laracasts: The Service Container #Architecture #Ioc
Auth / Security¶
- 入门
- Laracasts: Easy Auth #Authentication #Eloquent
- Laravel Documentation: Services Authentication #5.4 #Authentication
- Laravel Documentation: Services Authorization #5.4 #Authentication
- 入门
- Laracasts: Ogres Are Like Middleware #Middleware #Security
- Laravel Documentation: The Basics Middleware #5.4 #Middleware
Front End¶
- 入门
- Laracasts: Manage Your Assets #Front-End #Elixir
- Laravel Documentation: Services Elixir #5.1 #Elixir
- 先进
- Setup Bootstrap Sass with Laravel Elixir - Eric L. Barnes #Elixir
- 入门
- Laracasts: Flash Messaging #Session
- Laravel Documentation: Services Session #5.4 #Session
Filesystem / Cloud Storage¶
- 入门
- Laravel Documentation: Services Filesystem / Cloud Storage #5.4 #Filesystem
- 入门
- Laravel Documentation: Services Cache #5.4 #Cache
- 入门
- Laravel Documentation: Services Mail #5.4 #Mail
Testing and Coding Standard¶
- 入门
- Laravel Documentation: Services Testing #5.4 #Testing
- 先进
- BDD in Laravel: Getting Started with Behat and PhpSpec - Bruno Skvorc #Testing
Case Study¶
- 先进
- 文章和标签
- Taylor Otwell
- Matt Stauffer
- Mohammad Gufran
- Adam Engebretson
- Sheikh Heera
- Kirk Bushell
- Andrews Ang
- Jens Segers
- Neon Tsunami
- Scott Wilcox
- Stillat
- Bosnadev
- Laravel 5 Beauty
- Diving Laravel
- Bootsity
Open Source Laravel¶
- Laravel Framework
- Laravel Application
- Laravel Documentation
- Laravel Cashier
- Laravel Envoy
- Laravel Homestead
- Laravel Homestead Build Scripts
- Laravel Website
- Laravel Art
- Laravel Antares
Coding Standard¶
Dependency Management¶
Develop Tools¶
- Sublime Text
- Alignment - 轻松对齐多个选择和多行选择
- Blade Snippets - 为刀片模板引擎提供片段
- BracketHighlighter - 支架和标记荧光笔
- DocBlockr - 简化编写 DocBlock 注释
- Emmet - 改进 HTML 和 CSS 工作流程
- Laravel Blade Highlighter - 为 Laravel 5 Blade 引擎添加语法定义
- phpfmt - 格式化 PHP 代码的插件 - 还支持 PSR½
- Sidebar Enhancements - 增强 Sublime Text 侧边栏
- SublimeCodeIntel - 全功能代码智能和智能自动完成引擎
- SublimeLinter - 交互式代码检查框架,您还必须安装 SublimeLinter-php 才能在 PHP 中进行编码
- SublimeLinter-php - 用于 PHP 的 SublimeLinter 插件
- Syntax Highlighting for Sass - SCSS 和 Sass 的语法高亮显示
- Trailing Spaces - 突出尾随空格并删除它们
- PhpStorm IDE
- Laravel Plugin for PhpStorm
PHP Book List for Developer¶
- 入门
- 使用 jQuery、CSS 和 HTML5 学习 PHP、MySQL 和 JavaScript,第 4 版 ISBN:9781491918661
- PHP 编程,第三版 ISBN:9781449361068
- 学习 PHP、MySQL、JavaScript 和 CSS,第 2 版 ISBN:9781449319267
- Head First PHP 和 MYSQL ISBN:9781449363581
- Head First HTML 和 CSS,第 2 版 ISBN:9780596159900
- 先进
- Laravel:从学徒到工匠
- Laravel 测试解码
- Laravel 5.1 美
- Modern PHP: New Features and Good Practices ISBN:9781491905012
- 学习 PHP 设计模式 ISBN:9781449344917
- 美丽的测试:领先的专业人士揭示了他们如何改进软件 ISBN:9780596159818
- PHP 大师:编写尖端代码 ISBN:9780987090874
- Laravel 5 Essentials:探索 Laravel 的基础知识,这是最具表现力和最强大的 Php 框架之一 ISBN:9781785283017
- Laravel 设计模式和最佳实践 ISBN:9781783287987
- 学习Laravel的Eloquent ISBN:9781784391584
- 概念
- Head First 面向对象分析与设计 ISBN:9780596008673
- Head First 设计模式 ISBN:0000596007124
- 重构:改进现有代码的设计 ISBN:9780201485677
- 设计模式:可重用面向对象软件的要素 ISBN:9780201633610
- Scrum:事半功倍的艺术 ISBN:9781847941107
- 简洁代码:敏捷软件工艺手册 ISBN:9780132350884
- The Clean Coder:专业程序员行为准则 ISBN:0076092046981
- 持续交付:通过构建、测试和部署自动化发布可靠的软件 ISBN:9780321601919
- 美丽的架构:领先的思想家揭示了软件设计中隐藏的美 ISBN:9780596517984
- 可读代码的艺术 ISBN:9780596802295
- 设计模式详解:面向对象设计的新视角 ISBN:9780321247148
- 学徒模式:有抱负的软件工匠指南 ISBN:9780596518387
- 质量代码:软件测试原则、实践和模式 ISBN:9780321832986
- 实施模式 ISBN:0785342413090
- Awesome PHP Interview Questions
- 算法导论,第 3 版 ISBN:9780262033848
- 破解编码面试:150 个编程问题和解决方案 ISBN:9780984782802
- 编程面试要素:内部人员指南 ISBN:9781479274833
- Cracking the Facebook Coding Interview - Gayle McDowell
- careercup
- LeetCode
- Laravel Interview Questions and Answers
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