Bluetooth Beacons
Awesome Bluetooth Beacon
很棒的 iBeacon 和 Eddystone 蓝牙信标资源、开源项目、库、工具和教程的精选列表.
Eddystone by Google¶
> Eddystone 一个标记世界的平台,通过提供及时的上下文信息使您的应用程序和设备更智能地工作.
- Google Developers Beacons Portal
- Eddystone Protocol Specification & Tools
- 广告框类型
- Eddystone-UID
- Eddystone-TLM
- Eddystone-URL
- Eddystone Validator
- [Eddystone GATT Configuration Service & Google Nearby API and Proximity API](* )(北欧半导体)
- Web Bluetooth Eddystone Configurator
- Eddystone Branding Guidelines & Logos
Physical Web¶
> 物理网络 是一种释放网络核心超能力的方法:按需交互. 人们应该能够走向任何智能设备——自动售货机、海报、玩具、公交车站、租车——而不必先下载应用程序. 一切都应该只需轻按一下即可.
- Physical Web - Walk up and use anything - 官方 Github 存储库
- Video: Introduction to the Physical Web - 2016 年 Ubiquity 开发峰会
- URL Validator 1, URL Validator 2
- Physical Web Getting Started Guide for Developers
- Physical Web Implementation Status
- Physical Web Branding Guidelines & Logos
- IEEE: Enabling the Internet of Things 作者:R. Want、B. Schilit、S. Jenson
- Exploring the Physical Web (Without Buying Beacons)
Proximity Beacon API by Google¶
- Beacons 101-- Getting Started with the Google Beacon Platform - 2016 年视频无处不在开发峰会
- Get Started with Beacons - 本指南介绍了开始使用低功耗蓝牙 (BLE) 信标为您的用户提供基于邻近度的体验所需的步骤.
- Proximity Beacon API - 一种云服务,允许您使用 REST 接口管理与 BLE 信标相关的数据
- Nearby - 在附近的设备和人之间建立简单的互动
iBeacon Resources by Apple¶
> iBeacon for Developers 从欢迎参加体育赛事的人们到提供附近博物馆展览的信息,iBeacon 为位置感知打开了一个新世界,并为 iOS 设备和 iBeacon 硬件之间的交互提供了无数机会.
- iBeacon for Developers
- Getting Started with iBeacon (PDF)
- iBeacon Artwork and Specifications
- iOS: Understanding iBeacon device compatibility
- iOS 7: Understanding Location Services
- Apple AirLocate Sample Code (iOS8 fix)
iBeacon for Developers¶
- Building Applications with iBeacon
- Cisco iBeacon FAQ
- 5 Minute Overview - What is iBeacon? by ThoughtWorks
- A Semi-Technical Lowdown on Working with iBeacons
- CapTech Webinar: iBeacon Demystified
- 5 fundamental misconceptions about Beacon technology by RadiusNetworks
- Ask a Dev: What Are the Limitations of Beacons?
- What's the Difference Between Beacons and Geofencing?
- Guide to iBeacon Hardware by
- Developing an iBeacon App by
Hacks & Cool Apps¶
- Empowering vision impaired people to navigate the world independently (开放标准)
- Google Glass & Beacons
- 10 awesome things you can do today with iBeacons (来自 Twocanoes)
- PunchClock 适用于 iOS 7+ 的进/出跟踪应用程序,使用 iBeacon 和地理围栏.
- The Geofancy iOS app 帮助您充分利用您手中的自动化家庭、地理围栏和 iBeacon.
- LaunchHere for iOS - iBeacon based app shortcuts
- Traveling with Beacons: Checked Luggage Made Easy
Installation & Radio Planning¶
*布鲁克林博物馆: Positioning Visitors with iBeacons & Getting Visibility on the iBeacon Problem
Beacon Discovery & Configuration Tools¶
- ScanBeacon - 一个 ruby gem,允许您使用 IOBluetooth(在 Mac OS X 上)或 BlueGiga BLE112 设备(在 mac 或 linux 上)扫描信标广告
Beacon Scanner Apps¶
- iOS Eddystone Scanner Sample Application
- Swift based iBeacon App Development with CoreLocation on Apple iOS ⅞
- Udemy: iBeacon development for iPhone
- HiBeacons Swift 中一个不错的 iBeacon 演示应用程序.
- - Two-Way iBeacon Communication with Swift Programming Language
- iOS & OSX Bluetooth library for RxSwift
- JMCiBeaconManager - 一个 iBeacon Manager 类,负责检测附近的信标.
- BeaconKit - 使用CoreBluetooth的Beacon检测框架,支持Eddystone-UID、Eddystone-URL、AltBeacon.
- Generic iBeacon Management and Utilities by KinveyLabs
- Replicates detecting and broadcasting iBeacons in the background
- RABeaconManager RABeaconManager 是一个易于使用的库,可让您在前台和后台检测蓝牙信标和 iBeacon.
Stackoverflow Q&A¶
- iBeacon detection time in background
- iBeacon region monitoring AND proximity for >20 beacons?
- How to make iBeacon foreground ranging for CLProximityImmediate faster in iOS?
- Can we start iBeacon transmitter in background?
- How does iBeacon wake up our app?
- Use Core Bluetooth instead of iBeacon - Any Downsides?
Virtual Beacons¶
- Beacon Toy - Android App to advertise as Eddystone
- Android BLE advertising library
- Locate by Radius Networks - Virtual iBeacon
- Chrome App to advertise Eddystone packets - 使用 Eddystone Advertising Library
- Linux iBeacon broadcaster
- Quick Beacon
Beacon Development¶
- Android Lolipop Bluetooth Low Energy Enhancements. 支持操作系统级扫描过滤器和外设模式.
- iBeacon Scanner for Android, Docs & Blog post
- Android beacon library based on AltBeacon. 使用自定义信标解析器来实现 iBeacon 设备兼容性.
- BeaconKeeper 用于在后台定位 iBeacon 的简单库
- Android & BLE
- DevBytes: Bluetooth Low Energy API in Android 4.3
- BLE SDK for Android
- Bluetooth LE Library for Android
- reelyactive-ble-android-sdk 此 SDK 允许您扫描信标并作为信标进行广告宣传.
Beacon Scanner Apps¶
- iBeacon Scanner & code
- Beacon Scanner & Logger 扫描 BLE Beacons/iBeacons 并将结果记录到文件中的 Android 应用程序
- iBeacon Detector
- Bluetooth 4.0 Scanner
Beacon Advertiser Apps¶
- Beacon Simulator - iBeacon、Eddystone、AltBeacon
Stackoverflow Q&A¶
Cordova, Phonegap, Xamarin, Titanium¶
- Cordova iBeacon Plugin
- Using iBeacon with Xamarin.iOS and Xamarin.Android
- iBeacon advertising and scanning in a Titanium module
- iBeacon Scanning Utility App for OSX
- iBeacon Scanner - Scan for nearby iBeacons regardless of their UUID
- Beacon OSX - 小牛作为 iBeacon
- Electron Physical Web Scan - 用于扫描物理网 (Eddystone) 蓝牙信标的 Mac OSX 桌面应用程序
- Electron Slide Beacon - 使用此应用程序从您的 Mac 共享链接,将它们作为 Eddystone URL(物理 Web)蓝牙信标进行广播.
- BeaconKit - Beacon 检测框架 ns Swift 使用 CoreBluetooth,支持 Eddystone-UID、Eddystone-URL、AltBeacon、iBeacon.
- Node-RED nodes to interact with the Physical Web
- A node.js BLE (Bluetooth low energy) central module
- A node.js module for implementing BLE (Bluetooth low energy) peripherals
- Universal Bluetooth Beacon Library - 开源库和应用程序链接以与 Eddystone 和 iBeacon 信标对话
Bluetooth Low Energy¶
Bluetooth Smart & BLE Tools¶
- nRF Master Control Panel (BLE) nRF Master Control Panel 是一款功能强大的通用工具,可让您扫描和探索您的蓝牙智能 (BLE) 设备并与它们通信.
- LightBlue Mac OSX (or iOS) LightBlue 可以测试您所有使用蓝牙 4.0 低功耗(也称为蓝牙智能或蓝牙灯)的设备.
- BlueSpeed for iOS by Punch Through 在 2 个 iOS 设备之间运行蓝牙 LE 速度测试
Web Bluetooth API¶
Beacon Developer Kits & BLE Chips¶
- Texas Instruments - BLE Portal
- Texas Instruments - SensorTag DeveloperKit
- TI SensorTag Android Sources
- Broadcom - WICED™ Sense Development Kit
- Dialog Semiconductor
- EMMicroelectronics
Proximity Trends & Outlook¶
- Wired Apple 的 iBeacon 即将颠覆交互设计的 4 个原因
- Wi-Fi Aware™ - Wi-Fi Aware™ 是一项新的 Wi-Fi 联盟认证计划,它通过实时和节能的发现机制扩展 Wi-Fi 的功能,提供立即进入丰富的此时此地的体验.
Vendor-driven Beacon Standardization¶
- BeaconCtrl 使用 BeaconCtrl 开源平台设置和管理大型信标部署
- The Open and Interoperable Proximity Beacon Specification
Bluetooth、Apple、Google、iBeacon、Eddystone 和其他商标是其各自商标所有者的财产.
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