Awesome Ripple
> 精选的 Ripple 资源列表.
Books / Docs / Videos¶
- Wiki
- Ripple Primer
- Ripple Gateways
- Steven Zeiler's Ripple coding lessons
- Wikipedia
- "Ripple, The future of payments" video
- Ripple Labs: Building the Internet of Money
- Build a VueJS WebApp connecting to the Ripple Ledger
- Most common XRP misconceptions debunked
Gateways / Bridges¶
- Bitstamp
- SnapSwap US
- SnapSwap EU
- RippleCN
- RippleChina
- Kraken
- JustCoin
- RippleWise
- Ripple Union
- Divident Rippler
- Ripple Israel
- The Rock Trading
- WisePass
- Devcoin
- BuyXrp
- BTC2Ripple
- NoFiatCoin
- Ripple Singapore
- PaxMoneta
- Ripple Market Korea
- RippleFox
- ShapeShift: 立即购买硬币,无需帐户
- saldo.mx
Rippled - The Guy!¶
- rippled: Ripple 点对点网络守护进程
- rippled Docker container (node) - Docker hub
- rippled Docker container (validator) - Docker hub - Tutorial
Libs - Libraries for talking to the Ripple API¶
- ripple-libpp: C++ Standalone RCL-compatible transaction signing and serialization library
- ripple-rest:用于在 Ripple 网络上提交付款和监控帐户的 RESTful API
- ripple-lib: Java 脚本
- xrpl-client: 具有健康检测和自动重新连接功能的 Javascript/Typescript nodejs WebSocket 客户端
- xrpl-accountlib : Javascript/Typescript nodejs 库. 从家庭种子、助记符和秘密数字中签名和派生
- ripple-lib-java: 爪哇
- ripple-lib-ruby: 红宝石
- ripple-python: Python 库
- ripple-python-lib: JSON-RPC 和数据 API 调用的 Python 实现
- ripple-haskell: 哈斯克尔
- rubblelabs/ripple: Go包与Ripple协议交互
- RippleKit: 斯威夫特
Clients / Apps¶
- ripple-client: 网络客户端
- ripple-client-desktop:桌面客户端
- ripple-client-ios: iOS 客户端
- ripplecharts: RippleCharts.com 图表网站
- ripple-graph: 波纹图
- Ripple Go: Ripple Go 是一组 Go 包和一个 ripple 客户端.
- Snow: 用node.js编写的数字货币兑换引擎.
- Ripplectron: 电子桌面客户端
- gatewayd: Ripple网关软件自动化框架
- ripple-blobvault: 用于为 Ripple 客户端存储持久数据的服务器
- ripple-authd: Ripple peer-assisted key derivation server
- rippled-historical-database: SQL 数据库作为 Ripple 历史数据的规范来源
- ripple-data-api
- https://github.com/vhpoet/awesome-ripple/blob/master/ripple-vault-client
- federation-php: 具有静态 JSON 数据集的简单 PHP 联合端点
- federation-python:用于简单联合端点的 Python 模块.
- Ripple Rails
- Ripple Gen
- Ripple Checkout:用于使用 Ripple 支付的可嵌入小部件.
- Magento plugin
- rubblelabs/tx: 用于在 Ripple 网络上执行交易的工具
- xrpayments.co: 生成付款请求二维码的工具(带货币转换)
- XRP Text:使用 SMS 文本消息发送 XRP(即使在哑铃上)
Hosted Tools¶
- Ripple Trade: Ripple Labs开发的官方Ripple客户端
- GateHub
Developer tools¶
Trader tools / charts¶
Other tools¶
- Ripple Helpers
- XRPTools
- XRPValue: 实时 XRP 价格.
- RippleGen:用于 ripple p2p 网络的简单多线程虚荣生成器.
- Dollero: 全球汇款支付软件
- Reddit 'ripple'
- Reddit 'ripplers'
- XRPTalk
- Ripple Forum
- Ripple Lounge
- Rippleusers Google Group
- XRP Tip Bot for Reddit, Twitter & Discord